
Tips To Use HTML5 Boilerplate


HTML5 Boilerplate that is regarded among the developers as one of the most popular front end templates used for building robust and adaptable websites and applications. With blue chip companies like Google, NASA, Mercedes Benz voraciously banking on this template, it is time that enterprises start assessing the knowledge of Boilerplate as one of the key criteria while they set out to hire HTML5 developer.

There are times when a seasoned developer can find it extremely difficult to embrace new technologies. Hence, it is very important for an HTML5 developer to understand the potential of the platform and the possibilities that it can unearth. Hence, while hiring an HTML5 developer, it is important to understand if the developer has worked with a similar technology and HTML5 Boilerplate is the product of years of ardent iterative development and some of its useful features are:

  • It is cross browser compatible and is HTML5 ready.

  • It offers optimal caching and best site configuration defaults.

  • It provides the best in built test suite.

  • It offers mobile browser optimizations.

  • It has the source that is easily available under a public license.

Let’s take a look at the best practices of using HTML5 Boilerplate

  • Download the HTML5 Boilerplate template and start off with the CSS directory that must contain the site’s all CSS files. яндекс

  • Use common helpers such as the .ir class when applying for image replacement.

  • Adapt media queries based on the site content while documentation.


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